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MPrado guides your cooperative through the performance journey

MPrado delivers

MPrado is dedicated to delivering success and satisfaction for its members.
MPrado delivers

No one understands cooperatives in Brazil better than MPrado. Since 1999, we’ve honed our expertise to know precisely what works and what doesn’t.

With experience serving over 330 cooperatives,we possess practical knowledge of all their processes and internal structures. At MPrado, results and member satisfaction are our top priorities.

Here are some key areas we will focus on to advance your business:

Training and development to achieve operational excellence

Creating solutions for the common benefit of members

Analyzing each type of business within the cooperative for tailored support

Enhancing sales performance

Defining commercial strategies

Custom training in cooperativism, management, finance, human relations, sales, and marketing

Training in rural property management for members

Results-oriented management for stores and business units

Governance in cooperatives

Models of interaction with members and communities

We offer solutions to optimize cooperative management, grounded in experience and respect for cooperative principles.

Do you have any questions?
Would you like to speak to one of our consultants?

Plans are nothing without action.

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